The storybook makers exhibition at Danville Art Gallery

'The storybook maker' is an exhibition displaying original arts and illustrations from well-known children's books. The show will keep going from May 1st to June 13th at Danville Art Gallery. Erick and I as a screening curator put together shorts for opening night screening. Here are the list of shorts we will present.

'The storybook maker'는 덴빌 아트 겔러리에서 한달 반동안 열리는 동화책 일러스트레이션 전시회입니다. 오프닝날 스크리닝 이벤트를 위해 픽사 애니메이터 에릭과 제가 스크리닝 큐레이터로 숏필름 프로그램을 만들었습니다. 아이들 프랜들리한 작품이 많지만, '아버지와 딸'과 같이부모세대에게도 감동을 주는 작품까지 포함하여 다양한 주제와 미디엄을 소개하고자 만들어진 리스트입니다.

2.Father and daughter - won Academy Award
3.Notes on Biology
4.How to eat your apple 
6.Ballet of Unhatched Chicks
8.Little boat
9.Gruffalo - nominated on Academy Award
10.The big boy

We tried to mix kids-friendly shorts with different mediums & styles, and from filmmakers in different countries. Luckily we also could include Father and Daughter and Gruffalo which are Academy Award nominated & winning shorts.

The opening reception and screening will be main events for opening night on May 1st. Please come over if you are interested in shorts screening and original illustration exhibition!

Here is an article related to this event.

Opening screening was successful.
My son, Donghu, and I went to the gallery together to install screen and projector properly on opening day.



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