Weekly Clips #08 -E3 Cinematics

There was a huge event for game industry last week, called E3.
Of course, many companies released and announced new games during the event, and cool cinematic clips are traditionally one of the most effective ways to give gamers strong impression of games they release. Here are some of my favorites among tons of cinematics released last week.

게임 업계의 큰 행사중 하나인 E3가 지난주였습니다. 새로운 게임을 발표하고 공개하면서 게이머들에게 강한 임팩트를 주기에 씨네메틱 영상만한게 없지요. 이번주는 제가 인상깊게 즐겼던 씨네메틱 영상들을 몇개 모아보았습니다.


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